veniture Blog

How to Impress us in Your Job Interview

Written by Romina De Pascali | Nov 21, 2023 9:07:38 AM

During job interviews, many organizations still ask outdated questions like, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" or "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" We at veniture do things differently. We focus you, your experiences, and your motivation. Here are 5 tips to impress us in your job interview with veniture:

1. Who are you and what is your motivation?

Start by telling us more about yourself and your motivation. We are interested in hearing what drives you and why you are interested in this specific position. In this way, we learn more about your passion and career goals.

2. Inform yourself about our company culture

Get an idea of how we work and what matters to us. You can do this by clicking through our website. Ask yourself whether you can identify with our company culture, as this is the basis for successful collaboration.


3. Be yourself

You don't have to prepare the perfect answers. We want to get to know you and your personal views. Being open and honest is very important to us. If you have concerns or doubts, share them with us. We value transparent communication!




4. Ask your questions

Job interviews are not a one-way street - they are also an opportunity for you to learn more about us. Therefore, we encourage you to ask your questions to clear up any uncertainties.

5. Punctuality is everything

Last but not least, be on time or let us know if you are running late. This way, we can adjust our plans accordingly and do not draw any wrong conclusions about you and your reliability.