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JSM News September - Externe Hilfsressourcen, Schemata & Customer Notification Logs
Deniz : Oct 11, 2023 4:00:00 PM
Zeit für die neusten Updates in Jira Service Management
Atlassian sorgt auch im vergangenen Monat wieder für reihenweise Updates und neue Features für Jira Service Management. In diesem Blogbeitrag werden wir uns die September-Highlights genauer ansehen - wie immer ganz bequem für Dich zusammengefasst.
Ganz einfach externe Hilfsressourcen zu Deinen Serviceprojekten hinzuzufügen
Halt Dich fest! Mit diesem neuen Feature kannst Du ab sofort externe Hilfsressourcen direkt in die Seiten Deiner Projekte einbinden und anpassen, wie sie erscheinen sollen. Das ermöglicht es Dir z.B. Links zu hilfreichem Wissen, Anfrageformularen und mehr hinzuzufügen.
Im untenstehenden Beispiel fügen wir ein Formular aus einem anderen Serviceprojekt in das IT-Support-Portal ein - ganz einfach und unkompliziert.
Schon mal versehentlich den kompletten Object Type gelöscht?
Wenn Du bei dieser Frage Herzklopfen bekommen hast, haben wir gute Nachrichten für Dich, denn dieser Fehler gehört jetzt der Vergangenheit an! Zumindest ist es jetzt schwieriger, ihn zu begehen...
Wenn Du Objektschemata oder Objekttypen löschen möchtest, musst Du jetzt zuerst deren Namen eingeben. Bei Attributen und Massenobjekten musst Du ein Kontrollkästchen aktivieren, um zu bestätigen. Außerdem wurde die Schaltfläche zum Löschen des Objekttyps auf die Konfigurationsseite verschoben, was es schwieriger macht, Objekttypen aus Versehen zu löschen.
Diese Änderung führt zu einer benutzerfreundlicheren Erfahrung mit Jira Service Management, bei der Du Dir weniger Sorgen um den Verlust wichtiger Informationen machen musst.
Neue Vorlagen - Work smart, not hard!
Mit den drei neuen Vorlagen für Objektschemata - IT-Assets, IT Assets, People und Facilities - kannst Du jetzt schneller als je zuvor mit Deinen Objektschemata loslegen. Das ist definitiv unser Highlight des Monats, da hier zuvor keinerlei Vorlagen verfügbar waren, was bedeutete, dass Kunden jedes Mal bei null anfangen mussten.
Um diese Änderung zu nutzen, wähle einfach "Schema erstellen", wähle Deine Vorlage aus und beginne dann mit dem Erstellen oder Importieren Deiner Objekte.
Behebe Probleme mit Customer Notifications im Handumdrehen!
Atlassian hat eine neue Funktion namens "Customer Notification Logs" eingeführt, mit der Du sehen kannst, ob Kunden Deine Benachrichtigungen erhalten haben, wann sie diese erhalten haben und warum sie diese nicht erhalten haben.
Dies ist erst der Anfang, denn es stehen noch viele weitere Verbesserungen an, und wir sind sehr gespannt darauf, wie Atlassian diese Funktion weiterentwickeln wird.
Falls Du diese Einstellung noch nicht finden kannst, mach Dir keine Sorgen, sie wird aktuell nach und nach eingeführt.
Und das ist noch nicht alles!
Für diese und weitere Änderungen findest Du hier den vollständigen Änderungsverlauf von Atlassian Cloud.
Atlassian JSM changes Aug 28 to Sep 4, 2023
Search existing forms and add them directly from the request type configuration page
It’s never been easier for admins to add forms to request types. Select Add form while configuring your request type to search all forms across your entire project without needing to first associate them via form settings. Simply select the form you wish to add, and it will automatically associate it to this request type in the background.
Learn more about where forms can be added
Add links to external resources from across portals to your topics
Along with request forms and knowledge base articles, admins can now add links to external resources from multiple portals to their topics.
External resources – created in service projects – give customers access to helpful self-service knowledge, communication channels like chat, request forms, and much more from tools outside Jira Service Management directly from your portal. By bringing them to topics, your customers will be able to find the relevant resources they need even faster, right from the help center home page.
Atlassian JSM changes Sep 4 to Sep 11, 2023
Improved delete controls for Assets in Jira Service Management
We've upgraded the Assets feature in Jira Service Management to make deleting items safer and easier. Now, if you want to delete object schemas or object types, you'll need to type their name first. For attributes and bulk objects, you need to check a box to confirm.
We've also moved the delete buttons for better access. The “Delete” buttons for object schemas and object types are now in their respective configuration pages.
These changes make it harder to delete items by mistake, so you can manage your data with more confidence. Let's enjoy a smoother, more user-friendly experience with less worry about losing important info.
Learn more about deleting schemas in Assets in Jira Service Management
Resolve and close your issues in chat
Agents can now resolve issues in Slack for projects connected with chat. This fixes an experience where agents could close an issue without adding a resolution, which caused these “closed” issues to appear in incorrect queues and prevented CSAT surveys from sending.
Now, if an agent changes an issue status to closed in Slack, they also must choose a resolution. We expect to fix this experience for Microsoft Teams customers soon.
Atlassian JSM changes Sep 11 to Sep 18, 2023
Validation added to the Filter issue scope field in the Assets objects field configuration screen
We’ve made some improvements to the Assets objects field configuration screen to make it easier to link objects in Assets into custom fields that appear in Jira Service Management.
We’ve added validation to the Filter issue scope field, meaning that if you are entering a placeholder in that field, you’ll now be able to instantly see if your AQL is valid.
Learn more about configuring the Assets object field.
Object schema templates for Assets
Get started quicker than ever in Assets with 3 new object schema templates - IT Assets, People, and Facilities. These templates contain a variety of use-case-relevant object types and attributes - giving you a head start to focus on building out a useful and effective database. Learn more about how to build an IT asset management database.
For more information, check out our Community post on this feature launch.
To get started using this change - select Create schema, choose your template, then start building or bringing in your objects.
Introducing customer notification logs
Using customer notification logs in Jira Service Management, project admins can easily find out which notifications weren’t received by their customers and take necessary actions to ensure that their customers get notifications on time.
To access customer notification logs, go to your service project, and select Customer notification logs. Here you’ll find details like the name of the notification, when it was sent, and why it wasn’t delivered.
Currently, we’re introducing logs for customer invite notifications only. For more details, see this community post.
Atlassian JSM changes Sep 18 to Sep 25, 2023
Expand and collapse forms in portal view
Improvements have been made to the portal view in Jira Service Management to make it easier for customers to review their forms. Customers can now choose to expand forms to review and edit, then collapse them when they wish to review another form on a request.
Learn more about how forms can be used in the portal
View, edit, and manage forms better in issue view
Improvements have been made to the issue view in Jira Service Management to make it easier for agents to review forms.
You can now expand forms to review and edit, then collapse them when you wish to focus on another area of an issue.
You’ll also find the ability to Make form internal now in the (...) menu on each form for easier access. Plus, we’ve made it more obvious which forms are internal only. All internal forms will display yellow to follow the same pattern used for internal comments. This makes it clear to your team what only they can see, and what the customer can.
Learn more about how to view, add, or edit a form on an issue
Control whether members use API tokens to authenticate
You can now control whether members can make API calls with a User API token into your organization’s products.
With this new API token setting, you can allow or block members from:
-Creating a new User API token to authenticate
-Using an existing User API token to authenticateTo try out the API token setting:
- Log in to admin.atlassian.com > Security > Authentication policies > Settings > User API tokens
Atlassian JSM changes Sep 25 to Oct 2, 2023
Preview forms from the request type configuration page
See form fields alongside Jira fields in one view, so you can easily check what your customer will see and the fields they'll fill out in the portal.
Simply expand the forms component to preview the entire form and easily edit and remove forms without using the more actions menu.