2 min read

Agile gone wild – How to conquer the agile chaos with Atlassian

Despite intense efforts, many companies, especially large organizations, fail in their agile transformation. Why is that? The reasons vary: lack of transparency, collaboration difficulties, fear of the new, lack of know-how, and scaling issues are just some of the most common obstacles. Does it have to be this way? Or is there a solution that addresses all these problems holistically?

We chose Atlassian and their tools for a reason. Why? They offer not only the necessary structure but also the flexibility to create true agility in large organizations. Let's briefly highlight the most important aspects.

Transparent Communication – Only a Dream?

Communication is the foundation in every company and every relationship. If it is not transparent, information gets lost, or information silos are created. You probably already know this on a project level – for example, when different tools are used, making communication and documentation difficult or even impossible. Agile transformation, on the other hand, is a whole different ballgame – here, a central platform with easy access for all employees, teams, departments, or external stakeholders is mandatory. And we don't need to tell you that such platforms must be globally accessible nowadays.

Atlassian solves this challenge with Jira and Confluence. Jira as a project management tool enables location-independent and transparent communication for all involved individuals or groups. Most recently, Jira Work Management (JWM) has merged with Jira Software – Atlassian thus enables even better collaboration between all teams. Especially between business units and software development, to ensure a high degree of transparency and synergy. Confluence is cut from the same cloth and brings this transparency for decentralized documentation. Too good to be true? Even Audi is a fan of Jira and Confluence.

Scaling Without Hindrance

Furthermore, Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket (Git solution for teams using Jira) can be used to scale agile practices. This works especially well across teams and departments, thanks to a modular solution. Because you know how difficult it can be to implement agile methods in multiple teams and departments within a large organization. But agile experts know how to scale: with SAFe and LeSS. Don't know it yet? Agile at Scale is our speciality – especially in connection with Atlassian tools.


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Ready to Transform Your Team's Processes?

Achieve a successful agile transformation with us, increase your team's productivity, and drive performance across the board. We are happy to advise you on Agile-at-Scale frameworks and suitable software in your initial consultation.

Our agile solutions

Bogeyman Change Management

Resistance to change is also a significant challenge. A very old human trait – the fear of the unknown. But you can turn this around. Agility helps to respond more quickly to market changes and drive innovation. Thus, agility protects you from the unknown future. In times of AI, this is easy to argue.

Lack of Experience and Know-How

Internal resistance also arises from the thought of possible difficulties in integrating into existing (legacy) structures or the complexity of coordination across different teams and departments. To counteract a lack of know-how, we offer certified experts, packages, and customized training and workshops. This way, we support the sustainable implementation of agile methods.


Atlassian tools lay the foundation for smooth business transformation. If you lack the experience to scale agility company-wide, we will support you – no matter where you are in the process. Contact us.